In school, all's going well. I'm not too impressed with a couple classes, dosage calculation & basic insurance. Dosage Calc is a self paced class which means they hand you the book & say ok, here you go. I do the work on my own & take the tests when I feel I'm ready. I REALLY don't like that idea for a math class. Basic Insurance is just boring as anything. I love Ms. Mary Ann, the teacher, but its just a very boring class.
We have my 2 nieces staying with us also. I've raised all 4 of my sister's kids about half the time and for the past week then the 2 girls have been staying with us while my sister & her husband are trying to get on their feet. I love the kids to death so don't mind but it does make for an interesting day at times.
The main thing on my mind lately is that sometime last weekend my mom in law had a heart attack but didn't tell anyone. She was scheduled to get released from the nursing home on the 25th of this month so we think she didn't say anything cause of wanting to still get out. She'd told her friend in there, another resident, that her chest hurt a bit but thats all. Since Tuesday, she's been in the Critical Care Unit, on life support to keep her breathing since she can't do it on her own. The heart attack stopped her heart from pumping blood throughout her body so the blood backed up into her lungs, which made it so she couldn't breathe. She's slowly getting improvements, still on the ventilator, but her heartrate is almost in the normal range & her kidneys are trying to work again. Right now they can't do kidney dialysis cause her heart's too weak to survive it and they can't do a cath test on her heart to see how best to fix it cause the dye they use for that is toxic to your kidneys and hers are already too weak to survive that. So for the most part right now its a waiting game. They're keeping her sedated right now cause she still wants to try getting out of bed but she's able to recognize us when she's not sound asleep so thats a huge improvement.
Here's a picture I took of her:

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